Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Peyton's Podcast 5

Peyton's Podcast 5


Kiki said...

How come Peyton has all the thoughts and favorites of a 30 year old? Where is all this wisdom coming from? Do the writers realize there are no girls in high school today who think or act on Peyton's level. I mean look at Miss Seventeen. Those girls are supposed to embody the range of all current high school girls. Find me one Peyton Sawyer in all of them.... YOU CAN'T!
The words, feelings and character of this girl is a member of the class of 1992. Yes, I said it. How do I know? Because believe it or not fellow One Tree Hill lovers... I grew up in the south in a town much like Tree Hill. Same drama, same boys, same girls. Do you really think 17 and 18 year olds are writing this show? And do you really think the demographics are all under the age of 22? I think not!
It took me 13 years to find and accept my inner "Peyton". If any of you high schoolers out there who are free of parents, have shacked up with their jailbird boyfriend and his infant daughter, run a nightclub and reminisced about movies you were too young to see until two years ago okay you got me.
But let's be realisitic although I had the major drama at 17, got married at 18, had a child at 19 I never had the maturity until 28. Yes I was on my own at 17 and in the military, paying my own bills and experiencing freedom. Show me the teenager STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL who embodies Peyton. She's a 30 year old in a high school setting!!!! Believe it.

*Robin said...

Peyton has these thoughts because that's what writers want her to have. It's a show, it's not real, who cares what she talks about, she draws a crowd, teens listen to the "advice" she gives. In our society right now who's a teen more likely to listen to? Her wise parents? or their favorite character? It's easier to hear Peyton talk then parents. And "kiki" u said "how come peyton has all the...favorites of a 30 year old?" Most of the favorites she listed... I too am a fan of, and i'm just about 16. It's just the envirnoment. But again it's just a show so I wouldn't be going around saying u can't find a "peyton" in high school you can... just not in one single person.

hardyf said...

hey is this kiki from the OC (kristen) ??

Kiki said...

Okay now that I have listened to all your opinions as to the "realism" that is Peyton's character (we are talking about the character... not a real person, I feel everyone who posted is clear on that so stop reminding us) I want to thank you.

Peyton is obviously supposed to be a role model and if anyone saw tonight's episode you see the depth of her character (she struggles with her inner demons) and you love her for it.

I hope that all teenagers can learn from her and find their inner "Peyton", but I must reiterate obtaining that level of maturity takes time, YEARS!!!

As I said in my original post, I'm an adult with kids of my own and I love the character and hope someday my kids will have a role model like her... minus the drugs, lack of parental units, and sack hopping. Just keep that in mind... all you teenagers who want to emulate characters on TV who as I said are more adult that most teenagers should EVER have to be.

Be young while you can! It all ends way too soon. Shows like One Tree Hill (which I LOVE!!!) are primetime soap operas... they are NOT meant to be anything more than a exaggeration of real life, lets hope none of you are experiencing these extreme examples of real life just yet!!! Good luck and I take all of your opinions just as you should take mine, keep what you need and what has meaning to you, pack the rest away for future reference! Love to you all.

And no I have no affiliation to the OC.

me? suplada? never. =] said...


Maryjane said...

No offense, Kiki, but that was really lame.
Just because YOU aren't that wise doesnt mean there arent other people arent. And there are girls who actually rise above The Miss Seventeen outlook. Grow up! Open your eyes! Miss Seventeen is just a magazine of a bunch of whores.
I'm sorry to say this to you but, it's true.

I don't care what people think about me. And why should I? This is my life and I'm going to live it the way I want to. Not the way people want me too.
Sure, there may not be alot of girls who go through the same thing but that doesnt mean there arent any girls. There are.
Open your mind/eyes/ whatever!
I'm sorry it took you 13 years to find your inner 'peyton' that doesnt mean its the same for all of us.

Stop being selfish.

You're not the world.

Veronica said...

Hey, Kiki. You must live in a really pathetic place in the world. If you don't know any highschool girls that think and act like Payton.. sad but it's your fault only.
"Do the writers realize there are no girls in high school today who think or act on Peyton's level."
Ok, I won't take this personally. And wtf has Miss Seventeen to do with any of this?
You know, thats what I hate about people these days. You just can't believe that a teenager can be so amazing and smart. I won't talk about myself or anyone I know, because you just don't know me, and this comment, or whatever it is, will be just tooo long to read. ;]
So I guess what you're trying to say is that no girl under 20, who is still a teen in highschool, just can't be that smart. Age has nothing to do with experience, knowege or wisdom at all. You may be 30 and like Paris Hilton and still have no clue of life or anything. But yet, you can be 17 and a lot smarter than that rich-have-it-all kinda girl. And yes, maybe there isn't a person with the exact same story, maybe there is - you'll never know. Who cares if the show is written by a 5 yearold or 30 yearold man? Peyton is a charecter - it's not only a chick in a show. It's like you're trying to change, explain or find another Peter Pan just because he's a charecter in a story.
And by the way I'm 14. ^^ And I must say again - You don't know me..