Monday, April 21, 2014

No Photos of Food!

"NO PHOTOS on Social Media!  We don't want to get sued."

I was late to a production meeting last week. I asked the producers if they would mind scheduling the first big meeting of the production on a friday as I was working Wednesday and Thursday. They asked when I was working and I mentioned till 2pm, so naturally, on Thursday at 3pm the meeting was scheduled.  You know, because every experienced producer knows productions ALWAYS wrap on time. ;)

I walked in just as the meeting was ending.  The topic was all amateur stuff NO ONE at the meeting really needed to here, minus the couple of lackeys that Romeo keeps around with promises of leading roles in future films (which I might add Romeo loyally delivers on!)  But then again, those are the guys mucking everything up so I guess it's a weakest link in the chain kinda thing.

During the meeting, a lot of inane hilarity ensured,
The sound guy announcing that hard work paid off and he was accepted into the Set Lighting and Technicians union...
Romeo suggested the AD hire a male 2nd AD because as he put it, women cannot be trusted to work together in that kind of an environment and that as he believes.
I should have paid more attention but the whole thing kind of offended me and I didn't want to dirty my mind with the details.   The most peculiar stuff came when Romeo started preaching about how many movies' he's done and how of all these films, people got him into trouble posting photos, and so we are forbidden to post any photos of the production, anywhere, in regards to the film, to avoid spoilers, make no mention of cast, and especially no photos of the food!?!

Really, is posting photos of food dangerous?
According to Romeo, posting photos of food can get us sued.  Let's say, as he put's it, we post a photo on instagram of our set and there is a can of coke on the set.  I guess allegedly we can be sued because as he vaguely and with zero reference to  his source claims,  there is a new law on the books that says Instagram is a private enterprise and that the minute you promote something you've done, for gain, you can be sued for not getting the proper authorization.

I didn't dare say anything, only because Romeo insists on yelling about everything, and he's not open to suggestion of logic or experience in matters.  The bottom line is Romeo has done X man films in one year, so he's the boss and it's the only way-   Which is fine by me.  Ill blog it.

But just incase a neophyte film maker is taking to my blog, I'll clear up the Fair Use situations that my fearless leader Romeo dreads with us posting photos.  ---  Fair use means that if something exists and has a pop culture life, outside of what it is, like say Pepsi, then it is fair use to use it. someone posed the question which one reader so eloquently puts it:

Coke is a brand, but it's also an icon of popular culture. It has a life separate and discreet from its existence as a trademark. If the Coca Cola company has the right to control the context in which its brand appears, that's censorship. 
More than that, it infringes on free speech. 
It places Coke (Disney, Microsoft - pick your icon) beyond criticism in any artistic medium, making a mockery of law that was put in place to prevent wholesale copying of products. 
A world where corporations have total control over how they're portrayed? No thanks.

But to be honest, I think there are more sinister roots to these photo demands. I believe there is a fear of the research that sooner or later someone at these agencies is going to do, looking into his productions, and how he's pulling them off so cheaply by paying his name talent nothing.  He's also feeding us nothing as well, as he put it, one time he fed everyone some food and the whole crew didn't want to do anything for a whole hour, so now it's all SUBSTAY because after that, everyone's moving and grooving.  

Did I Say Anything about one of our Marquee names in this film?  Because if I SAY ANYTHING about who ever is in our film, socially, that's also a no-no.  So I won't "SAY ANYTHING" about who our lead is and I especially won't "SAY ANYTHING" like use the title of a film he is known for four times in one paragraph....

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Emails and Introductions

I'm writing this retroactively on the following day.

Entering into a project in the budget range we are in is big for me.  There are some really exciting ambitions, a cool script and awesome name talent.  It's all there! It's even a small crew of people I like, so it's no problem, yet.  But everything else we do is like a riddle, and that's kind of the inspiration for writing this blog.

I promise that I believe the names and likenesses to actual events as stated before or forever hear-after in this blog are coincidental, and if you believe otherwise I think you're going to have a hell-of-a-time proving your claim! Rest Assured, I'm not after blood, but to share what I think is historic presidents, based solely on my own first hand testimony, as a witness to life and inspiration.

Half the time I don't know if me laughing or getting upset is a prudent reaction to the things going on around me. I'm half away, half a sleep, half medicated or dreaming it all up.  This is the Hollywood I've been searching for, but just because you know it's here doesn't mean we're going to call you back.  *Note, you're fired after you pack the truck at the end of the day, not when you commit a wrong.

But to say it direct, in regards to Romeo's "Model" of filmmaking, It's all just not familiar. But that makes it exciting. New. Humbling. And I admit, I am always learning.

And I'm learning, for whatever reason, this method of film making works.  A safe judgement so far, and having seen zero films of Romeo's start-to-finish in the decade I've been aware of him, I am confident if he is anything, he's a man who knows what he want's and has zero problem articulating that.  Now come along!

At the start of Day One of PreProduction (Before I knew it was preproduction).  I sent an e-mail feeler.  Just wanted to test the waters and I asked for a budget for our expendables. Our shoot date at the time of the e-mail was Apricot 17th, then Apricot 23rd.  Now It's Cinco de Manonaise!

Juliet doesn't care that we need to work other shows around his still, in account that his budgets tend to be decimal, but, as i mentioned, it's working. And The budgets are growing...

On our last shoot, Romeo was our Producer.  Tommy Sterns The Third(TS3), my roommate, was the Director.  From his own pay [TS3] contributed 0.8% of the budget. (I accurately calculated that off the know budget)to expendables.
That same amount he contributed was 10.81% of his own pay for Directing.  TS3 also understands the business the way I do and want's to pay for things needed during production that save time.   (For 6 years that guy has lived A Legendary Life but that's for another time.) It's like that quote.  "You think hiring a Professional is expensive? Hire a novice."

Well naturally that morning, right after I send my email, Tommy Sterns The Third (TS3) starts ruseling about in his room, grumbling back correctional barks, dissaporoving of his puppy Bananabelle acts when she's bored, desperately seeking some stimulation and attention.

Popping out into the living room for the morning, wondering what I'm doing he decides it's a great idea to write his own email, more "Producer" as he put it.  Not sure if he meant anything by that or just wanted to say the word producer because he is a producer on the project?

Anyway, continued on to write an email or something also.  Though, I'm not always sure what I agree to with him because I tend to block his schemes out on a constant basis and keep him fighting for my approval on ideas I do pay attention to...  But I guess I condoned his desire to write a pretty specific email.  Which reading now in retrospect, It all makes sense.


Romeo and Juilet,

Reason may have or may not sent in his concerns or questions, but after speaking with him we have a few questions.

1) Are we going to shoot on the ROCKETFIRE R-100 or the VOODOO-MAGIC-CAM?   I believe REASON would prefer to shoot on the ROCKETFIRE R-100.

2)  As far as expendables, what are you looking to spend?   Reason would like a budget specific amount.   I think it would be great to have enough without depleting all the expendables we get in the first week, like previous shows.

3) As far as the crew, Reason and I would like to hire the camera, grip, and lighting departments personal.  How much do we have to spend for the following for an AC, Gaffer, Key Grip, and Electric/Grip Swing?

4) Are we planning to need a genie?

5) Will we be locking down our locations in advance this show, or doing it the same way as the two previous shows with budgets of this size?   If we do lock down our locations, can we do a location scout, so I can help Reason decide what is needed and what is not needed gear and equipment wise.

6) Our start date is the 23rd as of now, correct?  I am sure you will provide a detailed shooting schedule on Friday at the meeting, correct?

We are both looking forward in starting production soon.

With Sincerity,
Tommy Sterns The Third
Insurance Mobile Number 555-555-5555
Multi-Level-Marketing Number 666-666-6666
Film Production Number 777-777-7777

End Email

Sounds fair enough, it's the 16th of Apricot after all and the first shoot date at the time of writing that email was the 23rd of Apricot.

The following is the response from Romeo.

Romeo Email Response

No r100 no to hiring all crew. THIS ENDS NOW.

End Email

"He' Responded!  Goddaa--"

Thomas Sterns the Third bursts from his room wearing a stripped blue and white button up polo shirt, tucked into blue kahaki's with brown sandal, he is sweaty already and seems desperate for a Reason to not have to be responsible for his puppy, that he kicks back into his room behind the door he closes behind himself on exit.

"Fuck this, if he insults me with shit payment again I'm walking!"

Keys jingling for two cars... Thomas Stern The Third currently has two cars because he wanted his new one before his lease expired, because why buy a house without first getting a puppy, and a new SUV. I digress...

I wondered and asked where he was going so briskly.

"My new Church in Sylvestor! Gotta think!"
(Sylvestor is the new town Thomas is moving to, in a new condo he just financed, that's about 15 minutes away from the Valley, with no traffic, on sundays, at 5am.)

Career Defining Conversations

A couple hours into emails this morning regarding a movie that was supposed to start "Soon", and we are met with hostility. I've been at this production stuff for a long enough time to know it's not slipping away from me or getting closer, it just IS what I do. More than half of my 31 years alive I have put together these "Shows", as it were and as it is. However, this human thinks what he's doing is this new "model"-- I disagree. He's just getting away with something new because the SAG New Media deal allows. "Making films you have three options: Fast, cheap and good but you can only pick two." - Crazy Joe Davola.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

In the Beginning..

In the beginning was the word, and the word was on script and the script was movie.
But the Producer is God, and the producer will amend script and the movie will change.

Welcome to the "New Model".
I'm starting a month of production today with 15 days of "pre-production". I have no idea how much I'm getting paid but I'm sure it will be low. We have name talent and we have gear but not what I've chosen, in fact I'm not even sure what we have. Are you ready for one hell of a blog ride? I

 respond to Reason, and this is the blog.
 I plan to update this as often as something happens, and with the ingredients around me, I feel like that will be often.